patent attorney
european patent and trade mark attorney

Work experience

- from 1985 till 1994 Industrial Property Office (Czech Patent and Trademark Office)

             - from 1985 till 1992 Examiner of the Patent department

             - from 1992 till 1994 Chairmen of Commision in Declaratory Judgment         and Nullity Proposal Department


- in 1992 – Participant of Summer Academy of EPO

- since 1994 Patent Attorney

- from 1994 till 1996 Graduate of the Basic Course of EPO arranged by C.E.I.P.I. Strasbourg

- since 2002 European Patent Attorney reg. No. 123460

- since 2004 European Trade Mark and Design Attorney (OHIM) reg. No. 28337

- since 2004 till 2006 Participant of the Course for Patent Attorneys arranged by Faculty of Law of Masaryk University in Brno Czech Republic


adress:   Měšínská 1638, Praha 9 – Újezd nad Lesy

                 Czech Republic, 190 16

phones:  +420 281 861 444; +420 606 920 774

email adress: 4ipr@4ipr.cz


VAT: CZ5909130678